Harleys and Fuel Consumption March 2016 Newsletter
Dear SAC Raging Bull – Harley Customer
In my experience and with all the feedback from our clients, it seems as if it is safe to say that our Harleys are pretty light on fuel. This of course all depends on how we ride.
I want to share some advice, if good fuel consumption is what you are after. The newer bikes, 2007 onwards have fuel injection systems that help to keep emissions low and consumptions stable. Most of the tuning maps on these bikes have what we refer to in the tuning industry as a closed loop system. This closed loop is generally between 2000 & 3500 rpm and between 10% & 60% throttle in any gear.
Simply put this means that if you ride inside that area of the tuning map, the bike will be super-efficient and light on fuel. The minute that you go anything over roughly 3500 rpm and more than 50% throttle, you are going to use substantially more fuel. My experience has shown that on most of these Harleys in top gear, somewhere between 110 & 135km p/h is where the consumption will be best. Just remember that going through the gears the same applies – don’t exceed 3500 rpm or 50% throttle.
If all is good on your bike’s tuning and you are riding right, you should be getting between 16-18km per litre. I have even seen 20 km per litre in some cases. Abusive riding on the other hand can easily result in that changing to between 10-15 km per litre. If all is good on your bike’s tuning and you are riding right, you should be getting between 16-18km per litre. I have even seen 20 km per litre in some cases. Abusive riding on the other hand can easily result in that changing to between 10-15 km per litre.
Contact the SAC Raging Bull today
You also need to remember that weather conditions, road conditions, weight and wind resistance all play a role too. If it is very windy and you are well loaded, it may be required to ride outside of the above mentioned sweet spot most of the time.
Kind Regards
The SAC Raging Bull Team